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pyramid_chameleon_genshi provides bindings for Chameleon Genshi-style templating support under Pyramid. See the Chameleon website for chameleon.genshi templating language details.


The API for use of pyramid_chameleon_genshi under Pyramid is identical to the one used for chameleon.zpt` templates as documented in the “Templating” chapter of the Pyramid docs. Only the templating language itself (Genshi vs. ZPT).

An example:

from pyramid.renderers import render_to_response

return render_to_response(
              'mypackage:templates/template.genshi', {'a':1})

mypackage:templates is a Pyramid asset specification that ends in .genshi which points at a Chameleon Genshi template.

Chameleon Genshi templates can be used as a Pyramid “renderer” like this when you use pyramid_chameleon_genshi.

The easiest way to allow for this is to use an include the startup code if your application. In the of your Pyramid application, in the main function called at startup (which uses a pyramid.configuration.Configurator as config) add the following:


You can also drive this particular oxcart by hand (the below achieves the same goal as the above include):

from pyramid_chameleon_genshi import renderer_factory

config.add_renderer('.genshi', renderer_factory)

Once this is done, you can use Genshi templates from within an add_view statement or from within a pyramid.views.view_config decorator. For example:

def someview(request):

If you’d rather not use a .genshi extension for your chameleon.genshi templates, you can explicitly register a renderer using the add_renderer method of a “configurator”:

from pyramid_chameleon_genshi import renderer_factory
config.add_renderer('.cgenshi', renderer_factory)

Once you’ve registered .cgenshi as a renderer in a view configuration, you can then do the following:

def someview(request):

Using With ZCML

If you use the pyramid_zcml package, instead of using config.add_renderer, you can add this ZCML to your application’s configure.zcml:

<include package="pyramid_chameleon_genshi"/>

Once your application has been set up to process this ZCML, your application can point at chameleon.genshi templates that have the .genshi file. For example:



By default, Chameleon’s Genshi XIncludes support cannot resolve Pyramid “asset specifications” (e.g. my_package:foo/bar.genshi). In order to activate an XIncludes class that understands Pyramid asset specifications, call the pyramid_chameleon_genshi.XIncludes.activate method before using any templates (e.g., at process startup time):

from pyramid_chameleon_genshi import XIncludes

This will replace the XIncludes helper class for all consumers of Chameleon in the process.

Indices and tables

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